Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Earthquake affects RAM prices

Monday, March 14th, 2011

Well it looks like the earthquake could impact on RAM supplies as spot prices for most types of DRAM shot up today, from 5.27 per cent for DDR 512MB parts, with a session average of $1.44. So get your RAM now before it gets dearer, as the Supply chain will be upping their prices. There is even an exchange for Dram called imagnitivley DRAM exchange so if your into your market trading, this is where you go.

China, Korea and Taiwan also supply RAM so this may be short term, but the quake is having its impact. Check out the reg for more info


nirvana in a seat

Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Well I was over at CeBit and spotted this lovely little chair. this chair made by  fantec and it is one of these total immersion devices, so if you run over a pothole you feel it, if you crash it shakes you all over the place. It really gives you the sense of being there….. O ya and all the other computer manufacturers were there with PC’s, Storage systems, printers, clouds and scanners. There seemed to be loads of scanners there, plus a host of automated book readers.

fantec chair

fantec chair

Androd apps are now makeing more money then Iphone apps

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

Computerworld are reporting that Androd apps are now makeing more money then Iphone apps, by shear volume of numbers. Infact there making more 30% to 50% more, read more here on Computerworld

Audi Connect

Friday, February 18th, 2011

The Audi marketing department have been at it again, and they are now trying to shift, waht looks like a BMW IDrive wheel for the center console. I’m sure it will cook eggs and boil the kittle for ya, etc. I’m wondering if they are trying to up stage Ford, with the “my ford touch” set up in the new Ford cars comming out in america anyway.

As seen on


A new Cool hacking tool…… Amazon EC2

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

The Cloud is raining, and it makes a great tool for hacking, Well raining Brute force attacks, This is has to be one of the coolest hacks out there, I’m sad that I didn’t think of it first…..Can’t get enough computers to hack something, well just buy a few Amazon EC2 instances and go hacking 🙂 and sure it will cost ya, but it will only be $1.68 depending on how strong your passwords are. This hack is so cool.

See the story on the reg

This is the new way of driving

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

just spotted this on engadget, a Audi TT driving driverless, Very cool, I need one of these 🙂

For anyone going to the US

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

National opt out day in America is nearly on us, so those of you thinking of travailing to the us, might be well advised to have a look at

The reg adds a but more flesh to the bone here

BBC iplayer going worldwide….. maybe

Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

Well it looks like the BBC are going to launch there player world wide next year….. So any one think that our TV aerials will become redundant. I think this is what all these people were talking about when they said IP TV. So you won’t have to spoof your IP address any more or go through a proxy to get glorious BBC. Only problem is that you may have to suffer adds. Details are on the telegraph’s it site

some ones got a firey sheep

Thursday, November 4th, 2010

So there is loads of sheep out there 🙂 well fire sheep, to be precise open wirless points, with out wpa and un secured. So there is some lovely session hacking out there to be done.

The reg gives nice article on this below

And if your looking for the plugin to do a bit of firesheep’ing a good google, should find it for you in seconds!!!

John Sculley former CEO of apple, gives an insight in to Steve Jobs and Apple

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

An intresteding article about steve jobs and about how apple work from insider John Sculley. There is great insights in to how apple do things!

link is here