Archive for January, 2013

Remove An Garda Síochána Ireland’s National Police Service Virus

Saturday, January 5th, 2013

Our friend the National Police Service Virus/Ransomware seems to have mutated, and removing it using the usual removal option listed below, seems to fail.

One successful way of dealing with it is to use Kaspersky Rescue Disk 10 ( as running Malwarebytes or F-Secure in Safe mode fails to work, there is no changes to the registry or the Start-up folders do not have the .ink files in there. Probably the best prevention technique for virsus is to run the systems in non administrative mode, preventing rouge installs of viruses.


Passwords and passphrases

Friday, January 4th, 2013

People still seem to be using passwords instead of passphrases, and I’ve been getting calls from people telling the’re MSN or what ever was hacked, now you can test your password strength on Microsoft’s password checker ( which is worth while if you don’t want your password cracked, and your account hacked.