I was having an argument with myself on social media and how it works the other day. “The Facebook thing is a good Idea, but I don’t want us to expend a lot of resources and time on it.” but then “It’s that we need a team to manage it. It’s hard enough to get people to put stuff up on the web.”
The thing with social media is that it has to be social, and the point of social media, is that it is interactive, waiting a week to put a post up, is not interactive in social media terms, Its reckoned that it takes about 2-3 hours a week (http://mashable.com/2009/09/22/facebook-pages-guide/) at a minimum.
We are also in a web 2.0 bubble so there is a little too much hype on social media at the moment, There is good reason for this hype as the Linked in IPO (http://www.google.com/finance?client=ob&q=NYSE:LNKD ) pushes the bubble up more(http://www.practicalecommerce.com/articles/2870-How-LinkedIn-Makes-Money-Behind-the-IPO-Numbers). So there is the inevitable push to social media is great, as we have now social media consultants , With the GroupOn IPO coming, you will be hearing more hype and more social media consulting going on, but if there’s people out there with money that need to spend it, I’m sure social media consulting is the way to go.
Then I came across this where students are now starting to move off facebook, so I think you website has to be your core medium, and facebook and twitter etc. should be used to drive content to your website