I ‘ve been thinking for a while about smart phones, and maybe that the smart phone may kill the mobile phone company, how could this be ?….. well if you look at the way “Whats up” the messaging platform has taken off (below) http://siliconrepublic.com/comms/item/33724-mobile-network-killer-or/
It seems that people are starting to see that you can message, and talk to people with out a mobile signal, and just a wifi signal, by using skype and whats up and viper. So where is this going, well if people can message each other with out the need for a mobile network, then why does one need a mobile network? I wonder what will happen when mesh networks start to become more widly avaibale on handsets, This is already starting on the Android platform with projects such as below
The Serval Mesh
There could be interesting times in the mobile networks, as we have near 100% moible phone penetration in some markets.