Paper and printing in the Dail (Parliament)… just how far could you go?

Reading the Irish times it seems we have a member of parliament that managed to use 434 ink cartridges in two years, that is pretty substantial ink use, and just to put numbers into the real world

So looking in to this, I took a pretty standard A4 Pinter and looked at the A4 cartridge and how much it could print a HP Laser-jet 4200 ( it manages on the big cartridges 18000 sheets, which is pretty good.

So that’s 434 ink cartridges multiply by 18000 to give us number of sheets printed 7812000 sheets, now taking the standard A4 sheet length of .297m

Then we multiply 7812000 by .297m gives us 2320164m of paper used, so 2320 Km of paper, that’s enough to get to Poznan in Poland for the European soccer championships which is 1900 Km from dublin! and you could do nearly 400Km of touring!

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