Ubuntu 10.04 free computing for normal people!

Ubuntu 10.04 is out, this is the major Release for Ubuntu. Well it looks since ubuntu 9.04 that ubuntu is getting its act together, and taking on M$ and Apple. The focous has changed on the project and is now more user based, and breaking away from the nerds. Which means that its becoming mainstream. This is a good thing, If the nerds adopt, then you have got a real chance of the non-nerd users adopting. The Cloud services that Ubuntu is adding on, Could be the key to Monetizing ubuntu, and making it all pay. Maybe people will eventually realize that a computer is a computer and an OS is just an OS, Just as a word processor is just a word processor, and doesn’t have to be Word. or word 2003 or Word 2007 or what ever version of word we are on!… On thing I hope with Open office, is that UI design stays consistent, as having to explain the differences between the familiarity between office 2003 and office 2007, can take up considerable time and can waist considerable amounts of brain cycles.

One Response to “Ubuntu 10.04 free computing for normal people!”

  1. JohnO says:

    My girlfriend is running this on her laptop and she loves it. She’s running KDE and it’s very customisable. Plus the best part is adept has all of the programs in one location so you don’t have to do a Google Search when looking for an app. And she is most definitely not a nerd.
    Still, as good and all as it is, there are still some issues I had to help her out with. So it’s not quite there yet. However I guess people get issues with Windows everyday to that they don’t know how to fix.